Sunday, January 17, 2010

Vagabonds of Tomorrow

Before the age of 30, I should have accomplished something. I aim to;

1) start a business
2) backpacking hostel
3) lifestyle coffee house
4) euro-trip
5) indo-china trip
6) MBA
7) write a book (Haruki Murakami-style)
8) publish a street-research documentary coffee table photo book
9) fine art photography exhibition
10) buy a property for rent
11) live abroad
12) fall in love and never let go
13) have a beach/garden wedding at night


Vermouth & Viola

The bitter lining the strings.

Yesterday and tomorrow are nothing but what makes today matters.

Don't justify. I'm way past that.

Twitterific of Me

Too late to die young

Too late to die young
you throw a coin, into the sea, and shout out “please come back to me”

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