Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Socrates' Love

Of idealization and devaluation
Of altered state of mind caused by chemical imbalance
Of Titans and Goliath being too similar; clashes of ego impends
Of memories being the best thing you have of me
Of your smiling alter ego being the best thing I have of you

Of all the lies I told
I can't take back a Freudian slip

Chained to the gloomy sycamore
I need a little more ray

Then maybe I can find my way
Then maybe I can fix my flaws

Then maybe both of you would smile
When I spend your while


Vermouth & Viola

The bitter lining the strings.

Yesterday and tomorrow are nothing but what makes today matters.

Don't justify. I'm way past that.

Twitterific of Me

Too late to die young

Too late to die young
you throw a coin, into the sea, and shout out “please come back to me”

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